Eh, what manners

Patrizia Poli
1 min readNov 15, 2021

Calimero black chick. No, for heaven’s sake … dark … no, indeed, of color … that is, otherwise white.

Calimero, strange as the ugly duckling, very tender with its jagged shell like a hat, appears for the first time in the advertising of Mira Lanza in 1963. In reality it will be discovered that it is neither black nor different but just dirty.

Eh, what manners! Everyone here is angry with me because I’m small and black … it’s an injustice though.

Good times when you could still say bread to bread and you were not good-natured but good. There are already many themes in the spot, such as prejudice, appearance in contrast with substance. The name of the chick comes from the basilica of San Calimero.

How much loneliness in the first episode, where the chick who fell into the soot looks for his mother and is rejected because he is black. He will always be unlucky, small, brave and alone.

Ava how it cleans, and how it smells!



Patrizia Poli

Patrizia Poli was born in Livorno in 1961. Writer of fiction and blogger, she published many novels.